What I listen to

June 16th, 2018

I’m looking for a word that delineates an early adopter who quits and eventually adopts again a product, service, or cultural trend because that’s precisely who I am when it comes to podcasts. The first podcast I became aware of was Panayotis’ (now defunct) vrypan|net|radio back in 2008—Panayoti launched it in 2005; a pioneering move in the context of the Greek web—around when I also started blogging in apas.gr. 1 Podcasts were cool but I didn’t like the format (usually 40+ minutes long, bad sound quality, broad topics, &c) or so I thought.

Fast forward to mid and late ’10s when, because of the Golden Age of podcasting, the prodigal son returns to his tribe. Podcasts are cool; podcasts are great; podcasts are it. The format has matured (long-form and short-form shows,) diversity of niche interests 2 (from tech to finance to literature,) and finally the production, sound quality, and ways to consume podcasts have been vastly improved.

Lately, I’ve found myself tweeting episodes I’ve particularly enjoyed while friends have asked my what I generally listen to. Which makes for a great opportunity to compile this list as a reference and general guide to a podcast newbie. I think of these podcasts as smart, intellectually stimulating and thought provoking, to the point, and refreshing. They cover topics like tech and biotech, Apple, philosophy, economics, culture, business, finance, literature, history, aviation, and TV. I’ve excluded podcasts of political nature that cover current affairs.

Before I jump to the list, I want to briefly mention how I listen to podcasts. Almost exclusively, I listen to while biking, commuting, walking, driving, or working out. I can’t listen to while at home or working. (Often, I’ll go for a walk because I want to listen to something—which is good for my Activity Rings, I guess.) My podcast client of choice is Marco Arment’s Overcast 3 for the iPhone and the Watch because of its feature set, design, and overall simplicity. I also rely on Outcast while working out at the gym (it doesn’t require the Watch being paired with the iPhone,) and PodcastMenu, a nifty little macOS wrapper around Overcast’s web player. (It accounts for less than 2% of my listening, but it’s nice to have.) My headphones of choice are the AirPods with the left bud set to “Next Track” (which is translated in Overcast as “skip forward x seconds”—and I love it!) and the right bud to Siri (which I use a lot especially while biking or driving for all sorts of different tasks and actions.)

LPT: For seamless playback create a Smart Playlist in Overcast (I’ve named mine Queue,) sort by newest to oldest, and include all podcasts. You can also specify priority podcasts—I haven’t. Further, in Overcast settings enable Continuous Play, Smart Resume, One-Tap Play, and Play Next By Priority (some of these are enabled by default; I don’t remember which.) I’ve also disabled all notifications and icon badges, and only store the latest unplayed episode of each podcast.

So, without further ado, the list. (Ranked in alphabetical order.) Am I missing something? If your favorite podcast is not listed below but merits to be and talked about, please do let me know. I’m all in for great content and expanding this medley of thought streams.


The a16z podcast discusses with founders, entrepreneurs, academics, and members of the a16z team tech and culture trends, news, and the future based on the premise that software is eating the world. It publishes multiple episodes per week, but not in a (as far as I know) regular schedule.

Accidental Tech Podcast

John Siracusa, Marco Arment, and Casey Liss need no introduction. The three nerds and Apple enthusiasts talk about tech, all things Apple, programming, and loosely related matters. It’s one of the longest podcasts I subscribe to (episodes last usually between 1 hour and 40 minutes to 2 hours) but its excellent chapter support makes it super easy to cherry pick and scroll around.

After Words

I found out C-SPAN’s After Words very recently; it’s a series of weekly in-depth interviews with top non-fiction authors. Interviewers and interviewees are authors, political analysts, think tankers, entrepreneurs, members of Congress, reporters, academics, and more.

Behind the Money

Another late addition in my collection, Behind the Money takes you inside the big business and financial stories with commentary from Financial Times reporters. It’s a no-frills, no sauce take in the financial world and the big movers. Very interesting.


BioLogic features conversations with Broad researchers exploring the whats, whys, and hows behind their research in computational biology, biotech, and relating fields.


Connected is a weekly discussion on all things Apple featuring Mikey Hurley, Stephen Hackett (Relay FM co-founders) and Federico Viticci (of MacStories fame.) I came in hesitant to this podcast, but it’s the latest and addition in my Apple category. Promising.

Conversations with Tyler

One of my all time favorites. GMU and Marginal Revolution‘s Tyler Cowen engages with today’s deepest thinkers and discusses their work, the world, current affairs, trends, and everything else in between. Guests range from Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Balaji Srinivasan, to Larry Summers, Patrick Collison, and Garry Kasparov.


Stanford’s Russ Roberts discusses economics, cognitive science, and political philosophy with economists, authors, academics, and business executives.


Ben Thompson of Stratechery fame together with co-host James Allworth discuss the intersection of technology and business. It’s often like a compendium to Thompson’s Stratechery—but a damn good one. The most market-oriented Apple podcast there is. Exponent features great analytical and model-based thinking about tech and business. In conclusion, you shouldn’t miss it.

FT Alphachat

A fascinating take on the intersection economics and business again by reporters of the Financial Times. It’s currently on hiatus for a little while (hence the Behind the Money recommendation) but it will be back.

How I Built This

How I Built This is a podcast about innovators, entrepreneurs, and idealists, and the stories behind the movements they built. Each episode is a narrative journey marked by triumphs, failures, serendipity and insight — told by the founders of some of the world’s best known companies.

In Our Time

BBC’s In Our Time is an excellent discussion on the history of ideas. Melvyn Bragg and his topical guests from the academy discuss figures, books, dynasties, cities, events, empires, and concepts of the past. If you’re intrigued by history even the slightest, you should definitely subscribe.


Co-hosts Paul Papadimitriou and Alex Hunter know air travel. Layovers is one of my most niche podcasts and the most acclaimed series on air travel and commercial aviation.

Masters of Scale

Legendary Silicon Valley founder-turned-VC Reid Hoffman discusses how companies grow from zero to “gazillion” with other Valley A-listers like Zuckerberg, Hastings, Schmidt, and more. A behind the scenes take on how founders grew their startups, their errors, and what they did right. Extremely interesting with Reid being a great host. Probably features the coolest podcast ads, too.

Rationally Speaking

Julia Galef explores “the borderlands of reason and nonsense.” Guests include an array of academics from the fields of cognitive psychology, intelligence research, economics, physics, ethics, and more. It’s stuff you don’t hear about everyday (well, unless you also follow Julia on Twitter.)

Talking Machines

Boston-based hosts Katherine Gorman and Neil Lawrence bring an assortment of interviews and discussions with experts from the industry and the academia, analysis of industry news, and a robust Q&A about all things artificial intelligence and machine learning.

The After on Podcast

Rob Reid produces a fantastic collection of “unhurried conversations” with world-class thinkers, founders, and scientists. Guests include genetics pioneer George Church, Silicon Valley and Whole Earth Catalog legend Steward Brand, MIT AI lab director Rodney Brooks, and Coinbase co-founder Fred Ehrsam.

The Great Books

John J. Miller and guests discuss classic works of the Western literary canon from Homer, Virgil, and Shakespeare, to Henry David Thoreau, Christopher Marlowe, and Fyodor Dostoyevsky. I think every episode starts with the same question: “why is ______ a great book?” The episodes never spoil any of the literary action and the conversation is always flowing. (Ergo you can still listen to an episode about a book you’ve not read yet. If anything, it’ll probably make you want to start reading it ASAP.)

The Greek Current

Produced by HALC, The Greek Current is a great way to catch up with the latest news, analysis, and opinions about, from, and for the Greek diaspora and Greece.

The Talk Show

John Gruber, the Founder and Chief Executive of the Apple blog industrial complex as a service and tribal leader of its commentariat, produces the “director’s commentary track” to Daring Fireball featuring a recurring set of guests who are mainly programmers, designers, analysts, and journalists, discussing the latest news in the Apple community. It also features baseball—and the episodes run usually longer than 2 hours.

West Wing Weekly

An episode-by-episode play-by-play discussion of The West Wing, co-hosted by one of its stars, Joshua Malina, together with Hrishikesh Hirway of Song Exploder. A must for all Sorkin fans out there. 4 (Who also guests in one live episode, so that’s cool.)

What’d You Miss This Week

Every Friday, What’d You Miss This Week brings you the most interesting interviews from Bloomberg’s daily market close show, co-hosted by Scarlet Fu Julia Chatterley, and Joe Weisenthal. WYMTW takes you beyond the headlines in short, succinct, and insightful conversations about markets and economics with a unique take on stories like driverless cars and crypto.


Political podcasts might’ve been excluded from this list but Whistlestop doesn’t cover current affairs. It’s a thoroughly researched recount of presidential history. John Dickerson narrates with timely cadence important events, stories, and actions from past presidents. (His book is also great if you’re a presidential history trivia nerd.)

Bonus Feed!

I just found out about The Podcast Browser via Tyler Cowen‘s post on MarginalRevolution. It’s a curated list of podcast episodes on psychology, economics, science, history and culture. You just grab the RSS feed, import in your podcast player of choice (hint: Overcast) and you’re good to go. Easy & bueno. (Tip: there’s a noticeable overlap with this list at times. Enjoy!)

  1. Come to think of this, it’s been 10 years since I launched apas.gr and couple more since I first started blogging. Man.
  2. Jeff Atwood: “[. . .] subcultures ftw”
  3. Contrary to the majority of Arment’s users, I do use and enjoy the Overcast Watch face instead of Apple’s Now Playing.
  4. The Newsroom starring Jeff Daniels was great. #DontAtMe.

A sensible and minimal Vim

March 17th, 2018

Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Modal Editing

As long as I can remember my text editor of choice was Sublime Text. It’s a great piece of software for which I have zero complaints for and even wrote a plugin for it two years ago. Whether prose or code—local and remote—Sublime Text always delivered and was there for me.

My only issue with Sublime (and for that matter any text editor not running inside the terminal—Atom and any other Electron-based JavaScript-using philistine abomination do not count as text editors) was the extra Cmd-Tab I’d to type every time I saved a file in order to switch to the terminal and compile or run it. Cmd-Tab would seem like a minimal context switching toll between editor and terminal but in fact it’s a huge one considering the GUI lag either in a single or multi- monitor setup.

That, along with the fact that I routinely use more than seven remote hosts over ssh where my needs vary from writing production code to lightweight text editing and that I generally spend most of my time in a terminal, made me try—and eventually switch to—Vim. Another reason is that I want to keep things simple: why use two GUIs when one does the job?

Starting with an extremely minimal .vimrc (with only syntax enable in it) I wanted to personalize Vim while keeping three rules in mind: simple, fast, efficient. What does this mean? No unecessary plugins. No uneccessary settings. My text editor is not an IDE. My text editor should be lightweight and not a power hog. My text editor and its subsequent configuration should not be platform specific. (Bonus points for my publishing system—a topic for a future post—which is editor-agnostic and made the switch easier.)

The plugins I ended up using are the following: delimitMate.vim (automated closing of quotes, parentheses, etc.,) lightline.vim (a lightweight status line,) tcomment_vim (an on-off toggle for comments,) vim-buffkill (which provides better buffer management,) vim-colors-solarized (because I need my precision colors,) vim-gitbranch (displays current branch in Lightline,) vim-gitgutter (tracks git changes in the gutter,) and vim-unimpaired (better bracket mappings.) You can find all of them in VimAwesome which is a great Vim repository.

Update: My dotfiles are now available on GitHub. You can always find the latest .vimrc version there.

I’m in the process of rewriting my dotfiles so for now my .vimrc is only available here. I’ve documented every single setting with an appropriate short comment. Essentially, I set a Solarized Light environment, use four-spaces-as-one-tab, enable persistent undo (a super cool feature,) colorize column #81 so I always know my wrap limit, customize a very minimal status line, and remap a few keyboard combinations.

Feel free to use, reuse, remix, or adjust this .vimrc and send me your comments or suggestions.

Finally, if you’re new to Vim I suggest bookmarking this cheat sheet. It’s the best I’ve found. Further, embrace the modal model — it’s sublime. (Oh.) Moreover, I would suggest not over-engineering Vim. Start minimal and start slow. The more you progress and start developing a natural flow with it, the better it is—only then you’ll spot your specific needs and properly personalize Vim. Learn the keyboard combinations. One of my favorites are [c and ]c which navigate between git hunks in a file.

I’m also attaching a screenshot below the file so you can see how my setup looks like.

syntax enable                   " Enable syntax highlighting

" Enable all Pathogen plugins
execute pathogen#infect()

set encoding=utf8               " Set UTF-8 encoding
set autoread                    " Reload files changed outside vim
set nocompatible                " Use vim rather than vi settings
set backspace=indent,eol,start  " Allow backspace in insert mode
set number                      " Line numbers are good
set ttyfast                     " Faster term redrawing, scrolling; perhaps
set nobackup                    " Disable file backups when writing files
set nowritebackup               " Don't backup before overwriting files
set expandtab                   " Use the appropriate number of spaces to tab
set smarttab                    " A tab in front of a line inserts spaces
set shiftwidth=4                " # of spaces to use for autoindent
set tabstop=4                   " # of spaces that a tab counts for
set textwidth=80                " Make all lines 80 chars or less
set wrap                        " Wrap lines longer than 80 chars 
set linebreak                   " Wrap lines when convenient
set nojoinspaces                " Set 1 space btwn lines/periods to be joined
set scrolloff=999               " Working line will always be in the center
set title                       " Set title of the Vim window
set titleold=                   " Revert to original title when exiting
set hlsearch                    " Highlight searches by default
set noshowmode                  " Don't show current mode [bc Lightline]
set noshowcmd                   " Don't show incomplete cmds [bc Lightline]
set laststatus=2                " Always show status bar
set autoindent                  " Use existing indent depth starting a new line
set smartindent                 " Do smart indenting when starting a new line
set background=light            " Set solarized background color
colorscheme solarized           " Set solarized colorscheme

" Set search results to white font, red background overriding solarized
autocmd ColorScheme * hi Search cterm=NONE ctermfg=white ctermbg=red

" Set Make tabs to tabs and not spaces
filetype on
autocmd FileType make set noexpandtab shiftwidth=4

" Show char width column
set colorcolumn=+1
" Color highlight char width col
highlight ColorColumn ctermbg=lightgrey

" Show current cursor line
set cursorline 
" Color highlight c. cursor l.
highlight CursorLine ctermbg=grey cterm=NONE

" Color highlight line #s
highlight LineNr ctermfg=NONE
" Color highlight c. cursor l.
highlight CursorLineNr ctermfg=NONE

" Map yanking in visual mode to system's copy
map <C-c> "*y

" Map toggle automatic line comment (a la ST3)
map <C-/> gcc

" Clear previous search highlights
" <C-l> would originally redraw the screen; now we first clear, then redraw
nnoremap <C-l> :nohl<CR><C-L>

" Enable Lightline in xterm-color256 mode for proper compatibility
if !has('gui_running')
  set t_Co=256

" Customize Lightline with a minimal set of configs + current git branch
let g:lightline = {
\ 'colorscheme': 'solarized',
\ 'active': {
\   'left': [['mode', 'paste'], ['gitbranch'], ['filename', 'modified']],
\   'right': [['lineinfo'], ['percent']]
\   },
\ 'component_function': {
\   'gitbranch': 'gitbranch#name'
\   },
\ }

" Persisent undo --- store all change information in an undodir
" Check if an undodir exists, otherwise create it w proper permissions
if !isdirectory($HOME."/.vim/undodir")
    call mkdir($HOME."/.vim/undodir", "", 0700)
set undodir=$HOME/.vim/undodir  " Set undodir path
set undofile                    " Write changes to the undofile
set undolevels=1000             " Max # of changes that can be undone
set undoreload=10000            " Max # of lines to save for undo on buf reload


My Apple Watch (and iOS notifications) workflow

January 20th, 2018

I’ve been asked a few times how I use my Apple Watch. I’m no expert in the matter, but I have a system that works for me, which is also closely intertwined with how I approach iOS notifications. This is that system.


  1. Watch mainly as a fitness & health aggregator;
  2. Watch as iPhone’s signal (as in worthiness) gatekeeper;
  3. Silent iOS notifications (texts, calls, apps;)
  4. No Lock Screen iOS notifications (but for a few exceptions;)
  5. Extremely conservative with allowing apps to send notifications.

The Watch

I love the Apple Watch. It’s one of the best and most useful devices I own to the point I consider an iPhone-only experience lacking and frustrating. I upgraded to a Series 3 non-LTE from a Series 0 this summer and it was totally worth it. I wear it every day—often while sleeping. The battery, speed, and its fitness / health tracking accuracy are phenomenal. Personally, the auxiliary LTE capabilities didn’t register as a priority. Looking back, I am content with my choice.

I use three faces, two Modular (every day and traveling) and one Chronograph (formal.) My every day Modular face comprises of time / date, Calendar, Activity, Strava, and Swarm complications. My traveling face uses the fantastic App in the Air complication, as well as two instances of the world clock (time zones I either travel to/from or care about) and time / date. My formal Chronograph face uses no complications.

Clockwise from top left: Every day Modular face, Strava inactive, Strava active workout, Overcast, Workout, traveling Modular face.
Clockwise from top left: Every day Modular face, Strava inactive, Strava active workout, Overcast, Workout, traveling Modular face.

I don’t install every available iOS app on the Watch. I try to filter for the ones I need either as complications or of which I can safely deduce that I will extract some marginal utility in my every day life, given the constraints of the platform and the nearby availability of my phone. The question I ask myself is, “Is it worth it?” The answer is mostly no.

I wear the Watch upside down, 1 always in silent mode, and use the Dock with a Favorites ordering (think of it as a macOS dock) with six apps I frequent the most: Overcast, Now Playing, Workout, Remote, Gymaholic, Pillow. No need for recently used apps since I can always access the most recent one by double pressing the crown.

I aggregate all my health, fitness, 2 and location data with Gyroscope which relies on the excellent HealthKit and Health app as back-end data sources. I often go for long walks which I (usually) log with the stock Workout app. I use the same app for my running workouts. 3 I like how it integrates with the Now Playing app. I track my CrossFit workouts via the stock Workout app, too, either as Cross Training or HIIT types. However, I’m open to alternatives or a CrossFit-dedicated app (which, to this day, I don’t know if it exists.) When I hit the gym, I use Gymaholic. I log all my cycling with Strava.

I’ve connected the following apps and services with Gyroscope and / or HealthKit: Strava (cycling,) Runkeeper (runs,) Instagram (shared photos,) Foursquare / Swarm (location history,) a EufyLife smart scale (weight,) MyFitnessPal (calories & food intake,) Cardiogram (passive heart rate analysis,) Pillow (sleep analysis,) and Slopes (skiing.) Ever since upgrading to the S3 I try to complete the three activity rings in the Activity app. I don’t always do, but it’s a good rule of thumb for being active throughout the day (or periodically standing from my chair.) I recommend adjusting your daily Move goal to something realistic and trying to achieve it.

In conjunction with my also beloved AirPods and Marco Arment’s Overcast app, I like to control podcast playback via the Watch. I would appreciate being able to also control the sound volume but frankly it’s not a big deal breaker. I often answer calls on the AirPods via the Watch or send a text via Siri’s help—especially while cycling Siri is of tremendous assistance. Moreover, being an Apple Music subscriber makes music playback on the Watch a bliss. Other apps I use on the Watch are 1Password (with a few 2FA logins I might need in the rare occasion I’m not using one of my Macs,) App in the Air, Cardiogram, Duo (the MIT and Broad Institute VPNs require accepting 2FA push notifications,) Evernote, FocusList (great pomodoro app,) Gymaholic, Overcast, Pillow, Slops, Strava, Swarm, Things, Tripit, Uber, 4 WSJ, and Slack (I allow notifications for a single low-volume but of high importance Slack group I’m member of.) I don’t have any other messaging apps installed, personal or professional, nor do I receive other notifications. More on mirroring below.

The notifications

The Watch is my signal gatekeeper (see point #2 in the TL;DR) and iOS is the first line of defense. In iOS I only allow notifications for the following apps:

  1. Phone calls and iMessages;
  2. Utility apps I often explicitly solicit an action from and they provide necessary follow-up information (think: Calendar, banking apps, Uber’s “your car is approaching,” or Duo 2FA authorizations;)
  3. A small minority of messaging apps;
  4. My to-do app of choice (Things;)
  5. Two news apps (of which one with low volume notifications gets mirrored on the Watch;)
  6. Work-related apps (for instance, when I worked in Congress I used Cloakroom for the voting bells, House floor announcements, and more.)

Accordingly, the iOS rules are:

  1. All notifications are silent (I don’t have my iPhone on silent because I like the keyboard clicks and in order to achieve this with phone calls I bought
    a silent ringtone—best \$1 I’ve ever spent;) 5
  2. No notifications on the Lock Screen (not even for iMessages or—God save us—news, unless for a handful of exceptions: an aggressively more limited subset of the utility apps in point #2 above;)
  3. No email notifications (no banners, Notification Center, or Lock Screen) unless for members of Mail.app’s VIP list (whom have banner and Lock Screen privileges;)
  4. Types of notifications:
    1. Some apps can only register for banners;
    2. Some apps can only register for badges;
    3. Some apps can only register for History with or without banners (i.e., need to visit the Notification Center;)
    4. Some apps may additionally vibrate the phone.
  5. The vast majority of apps can’t register at all for notifications. (Tweetbot, Instagram, &c.) 6

As such:

  • My iPhone Lock Screen only lights up for VIP emails, phone calls (can’t disable calls anyway,) and the few apps that fall within rule #2 above. (In the rare circumstance I’m not wearing the Watch I can still get ahold of of important stuff.)
  • My Watch notifies me with Haptic Feedback vibrations (remember: it’s always on silent) for iMessages, 7 emails from VIPs, flight status changes (App in the Air & select airline apps,) Calendar, banking apps, Uber et al., Uber Eats et al., Things reminders, and the Wall Street Journal notifications (which don’t vibrate anyway so I see at will not at nudge.)
  • Important: As long as I’m wearing the Watch, the iPhone Lock Screen will not light up (since it knows I’m wearing the Watch and forwards the notifications there.) Ergo, more privacy (say your iPhone is sitting on a table.)

The rules and the system at large may seem byzantine, arcane, and complex, however they produce eloquently uncomplicated results.

Wherever I might be and whatever I might be doing, from work to dinner to reading a book at home, I never disturb my peace nor the one of those around me with abrupt chimes or having my iPhone’s lock screen precipitously light up. If I’m working I want to be productive, if I’m having dinner with you I want to be with you, if I’m reading a book I want to immerse myself into the book—whatever the case may be, I don’t want to check my phone for frivolous things.

The “Is it worth it?” funnel questioning the importance and necessity of incoming solicitations for attention (“from the things I’ve allowed to interrupt me is it something I need to see now or can it wait?”) which acts as a signal gatekeeper defends me from noise and guarantees that I only need be interrupted for something or someone truly important.

The health and fitness tracking—the most accurate I’ve seen in a consumer device often even surpassing pro devices’ abilities—is exceptionally easy to organize and get hooked by. It keeps me in check, while the active (i.e., workout) and passive metrics make me improve and help me know myself. What gets measured, gets managed. What gets managed, gets better.

Great technology gets out of the way to help us realize our ideas, goals, and tasks. My Watch workflow is no Carousel but it does its job quietly, with no complaints, and discreetly appeals for my attention only when it knows I need to.

(And I don’t even have to turn my phone gray or eye roll at Manjoo columns.)

  1. iMore’s Serenity Caldwell made a compelling case which I experimented with and really liked.
  2. Heart rate, steps, sleep, weight, body fat, food intake, workouts.
  3. I’m also experimenting with Runkeeper because I think Gyroscope can’t pull the GPS data from the stock Workout app.
  4. And yet, ordering an Uber or ‘my usual Starbucks order’ via Amazon’s Alexa is much more fun.
  5. What is weird, however, is that you can set a silent ringtone for text messages by default. But not for calls, unless you pay.
  6. Facebook app is not even installed.
  7. One reason they don’t lighten up the iPhone Lock Screen while wearing the Watch is privacy.

A case against net neutrality

December 4th, 2017

Ajit Pai BDS 2016

An Internet is debating net neutrality and a handful of issues are as contentious as the 2015 policy regulating the transfer of bytes therein contained. Echoing Commissioner Pai’s sentiment in his Business Data Services dissent of 2016 I can only imagine things are now twice as hard for poor Alice. Figuring out her way back to Wonderland from the net neutrality world is no small feat, because practically nothing in it makes any sense.

Once one’s brain starts looping around this airport called net neutrality, there’s a risk it’ll notice apocalyptic terminals everywhere. For the less eschatological among us the gist of the debate is as follows: one side of the net neutrality argument prioritizes consumer access to and investment for the backbone infrastructure, while the other prioritizes only the consumer (and in some cases partially the startup) 1 market segment effectively rendering competition, investment, infrastructure, and innovation wholly inconsequential. For the E&C nerds among the distinguished readership: the Federal Communications Commission’s 2016 Business Data Services guidance is a relevant proxy debate.

Contrary to popular belief, content providers are in favor of net neutrality not because they’re idealistic or actively discriminated against as they claim (or would be.) Rather, companies like Netflix, Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Reddit beat the drum of net neutrality policies because it removes their incentive to reduce their digital footprint by paying the same for ever increasing bandwidth usage. Their services require sizable infrastructure investment of which they don’t share the financial burden at all.

Assume, for instance, Netflix started with a plain and honest 10 Mbps connection. After a while the service exploded in popularity resulting in much bigger bandwidth demands. So there went Netflix to Comcast asking if they’d open to peer with them and use part of their backbone. Usage-based peering agreements between tiered ISPs as well as ISPs and content providers are a very common industry tool. 2 However, there are two caveats to this story. Namely, Netflix didn’t want to pay more for their increased consumption while Comcast demanded Netflix doing so. In that regard, Netflix’s statement, that Comcast demanded of them to pay more for higher speeds, is not technically incorrect but it’s a half, concealed truth. For it leaves out the part where Comcast is actually treating every content provider equally, footing the majority of the bill for them, and them getting special treatment for free from the other ISPs.

Regardless of the topicality of Netflix’s case, in honestly evaluating a regulatory proposal it is helpful to ask the following three questions in order to determine if the proposal is appropriate, useful, and good.

  1. Is there a problem at all?
  2. Can this problem be solved by regulation?
  3. Is regulation the best or the only solution for this problem?

Not all regulation achieves its goals or is actually effective and truly productive. As such, scrutiny of a proposal should stem from the above questions.

By all accounts, better infrastructure yields better, faster, and cheaper service across all market segments (both in terms of purchasing power and geographic coverage.) A handy example is the telecom market, where behemoths like AT&T and Verizon are now openly challenged by T-Mobile and others across the nation. Backbone infrastructure in the US is lagging because of disincentivized competition between ISPs as well as federal programs that are net negative against their initial (and noble) goals. The Lifeline example referenced by WSJ in its Pai profile published last May is pertinent: essentially the United States Government pays for and subsidizes basic Internet access rather than incentivizing ISPs to expand, build, improve, and develop their network. The product USG purchases is hardly ever improved, thereby stagnating a market that needs (and deserves) as good Internet access as the rest of us. Another key and oft-neglected issue is rural access. A multitude of rural communities still rely on dial up to connect. They suffer from minimal infrastructure investment and lagging network expansion. As a result, folks are hurt by higher prices, slower speeds, limited access, and an overall worse experience.

Consider the following: suppose a regional ISP has a bandwidth of 100 Gbs and a demand for 200 Gbs. They can:

  1. Prioritize packets over others such as live streaming and try to mitigate congestion;
  2. Slow down everything (because of finite bandwidth limitations) as compelled by the 2015 FCC rules and make the streams unwatchable;
  3. Invest in bigger, expensive infrastructure and try to split cost between existing funds and passing it down to consumers.

Due to not enough competition, incentives to expand, and excessive compliance costs, option #3 is not feasible. Because of the rules (option #2) neither is option #1. Thus, by heavily regulating the Internet, the Commission has effortlessly created a worse, i.e., slower product with an eventual higher cost to the consumer, since it prevents competition between ISPs and smaller companies from being able to innovate. FCC’s new Title II interpretation essentially makes it difficult for ISPs to charge bandwidth hogs such as content providers more for using more of their bandwidth. 3

By the same token, I’d remiss to not mention another key, controversial, and yet less publicized aspect of the issue at hand: relying on regulatory guidance at the expense of Congress versus enacting new or amending existing law. The Communications Act of which Title II is a provision of was enacted in 1934 and its last major overhaul was completed in 1996. The problem with the 2015 FCC decision is twofold: first, it solely relied on arbitrary regulatory interpretation, and second, it interpreted from a—by a technological perspective at least—old statute: the 1996 overhaul. That isn’t to say the 1996 overhaul was bad, 4 rather it is a huge leap of logic to suddenly do a policy 180 and drastically change the interpretation of a law ex post facto without amending said law after that many years. For instance, virtual MVPDs hardly existed in 1996. There should be a proper relationship between statute and regulatory guidance and interpretation, and in the case of the 2015 rules there isn’t. In other words: if one truly cared about net neutrality, they’d amend the law in a consensus-building, bipartisan manner, and wouldn’t relinquish their policy goal by issuing a guidance.

If one were to further engage with the FCC’s reasoning for issuing the 2015 rules, they’d find that anti-competitive problems of the sort the Commission is highlighting are not abundant. Moreover, regardless of the scale of the problem the Commission cites, antitrust and anticompetitive issues, which are the FCC’s pivotal concerns, can be better addressed by antitrust enforcement such as the Federal Trade Commission without harming current lawful business models, practices, and products. FTC has long had the authority over pursuing wrongdoers and taking targeted action against them.

Ultimately, the 2015 FCC rules make it harder for smaller (usually local and regional) ISPs to build new or update existing infrastructure and for new entrants to even try to enter the regional or national market due to additional and unwarranted compliance costs which bigger ISPs can of course afford. Consequently, by increasing barriers of entry for new ISPs, not only the FCC reduces competition and hurts the consumer (increased prices, worse product) but at the same time strengthens incumbent monopolies which stand to benefit the most from net neutrality policies as they can better retain their market share. Thus, the notion that the Internet should generally remain a level playing field for all stakeholders and businesses—something I think (and hope) the most reasonable among us would agree on—is rendered false.

The following excerpt from Net neutrality and consumer welfare shows how the 1996 Title II was performing a few years after its enactment—quite well, actually.

"Between mid-2002 and mid-2008, the number of high-speed broadband access lines in the United States grew from 16M to nearly 133M, and the number of residential broadband lines grew from 14M to nearly 80M. Internet traffic roughly tripled between 2007 and 2009. At the same time, prices for broadband Internet access services have fallen sharply."

In 2002 $40 bought a household 768kbps; in 2010 the same $40 equaled 10mbps. Clearly, the 1996 Title II was in the right direction. That said, Net neutrality and consumer welfare is a remarkably interesting paper and definitely worth a read or two.

When all is said and done and when all facts are properly considered, the curious reader should ask: what are the available remedies against FCC’s 2015 reading of Title II? What is a prudent defense against the Commission’s regulatory overreach?

The short and high-level answer, much like the erroneous FCC interpretation is twofold. Generally, it should be acknowledged that unjust and preemptive government intervention in the ISP market is anti-competitive, hinders innovation, assists incumbent monopolies, distributes the costs unfairly among the stakeholders, diminishes the quality of the product consumers (and federal agencies) purchase, and reduces Internet access and connectivity. To that extend, in order to guarantee market fairness, consumer welfare, and a free and liberal Internet, the government should stay as neutral and as far away from it as possible.

First, Congress should ideally amend where applicable the current Title II statute and better codify business practices and the regulatory environment. Lawmakers should update what needs be updated. However, Congress unsuccessfully attempted an amendment in 2014. The House discussed a bill which would create a new section—Title X—preserving elements of net neutrality principles in exchange for restricting the FCC from regulating broadband providers and the Internet via Title II. The bill didn’t amass enough bipartisan support and fell off the radar, significantly diminishing any chances for another attempt in the future.

Second, the public, pro-net neutrality advocates, and other stakeholders should acknowledge and consider current alternative market-based practices on the local level. Throughout Europe and across parts of the US, folks enjoy high-speed, unrestricted, and low-cost Internet access via municipally or cooperatively owned carrier-neutral fiber. Using the last mile principle, residents fund the fiber and contract an ISP to install and run it. Physical space in central offices (where home and business subscriber lines are connected to the backbone) has to be shared among providers—a remnant of the 1934 Communications Act. Thus, if the fiber can be funded, it can be opened up to any and all ISPs removing on one hand the impetus for unmerited and immoderate regulation and intervention on behalf of the government, and on the other creating market competition incentivized to deliver what consumers truly want: fast, reliable, cheap Internet access.

In lieu of conclusion I want to expand on two more points because net neutrality goes beyond a bland policy debate about infrastructure and market competition. To wit, innovation and (a potential, yet explicit) government control of the Internet. A simple example of how net neutrality is stifling innovation is Facebook’s Free Basic Internet initiative which was aimed for parts of poor rural India. Facebook wanted to offer basic Internet access for free, which, despite including useful websites such as news, weather information, Wikipedia, and Facebook, was blocked based on concerns about net neutrality. Yet, considering the alternative of no Internet access whatsoever, even basic Internet access would have been preferential and perhaps a life saver.

With regards to the latter point touching the government’s prerogative: isn’t it sort of ironic that net neutrality proponents who care deeply about one of the most disrupting inventions since time immemorial, which allows for free and liberal exchange of information without government interference (and even finding ways to circumvent it when it occurs, such as in totalitarian regimes,) openly invite more government to control this invention? Folks fulminate online about not wanting the government to take our Internet from us, when the entire point of net neutrality policies is a government-regulated Internet.

Inevitably, when a legal framework for a regulatory body exists to compel an ISP or any private or public entity for that matter to provide equal access to all legitimate content 5 it is not too much of a stretch to only briefly entertain the thought that a natural extension of this could be for a future FCC to compel an ISP to block all illegitimate content. Some might recall that during the ’80s and ’90s FCC censored TV and radio, for they were classified as public utility. Accordingly, if the FCC truly considers the Internet a public utility, they will be granted with the same powers as in broadcast television.

Who among us would honestly want an Internet like that?

  1. Generally between traditional and virtual MVPDs, i.e., established and big incumbents against up-and-coming challengers, i.e., infrastructure owners against content providers. Usually, challengers initially argue for net neutrality until they reach a maturity point when they magically pivot.

  2. Peering and caching save both parties a lot of bandwidth. By offloading caches of content on big regional data centers and exchanges, traffic doesn’t have to go through the entire backbone infrastructure. See for example MIT’s NOX.

  3. See Netflix et al. above.

  4. It wasn’t; even Pai himself agrees Clinton and the then FCC did a good job. After all, the ecosystem did fine for many years after the amendment.

  5. Who and how defines legitimate content? What about the First Amendment?